Our Responsible Banking actions are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda. Through our activities, we have identified on which SDG – based on our strategy, commitments and goals - we can have the greatest impact in order to continue contributing to the progress of society.
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We want to reduce poverty and boost the welfare and economy of low-income Mexican families through community investment programs and our financial inclusion products and services.
MXN $137,410,099.331 1 million in community investment.
1,734,854 financially empowered people (cumulative since 2019).
CloseWe promote social programs and Fideicomiso Por los Niños de México, Todos en Santander (FPNM) and our LikeU cards to ensure that all people living in vulnerable situations have access to quality food.
2,314 people benefitted through FPNM nutrition programs.
We donated $1,807,975 to tackle all forms of malnutrition among girls and boys through our LikeU White cards in conjunction with UNICEF..
CloseWe support people through community investment and volunteering programs that focus on health, and we support our employees through the BeHealthy program and our global Health, Safety and Wellness Policy.
4,473 people benefitted through FPNM health programs.
We donated $4,071,775 to face breast cancer through our LikeU Pink cards in conjunction with Fundación CIMA
CloseThrough our Santander Universities program, we offer scholarships to students; we promote quality education; and we support job creation and entrepreneurship, in addition to our social investment programs focused on early childhood education.
74,351 scholarships offered through Santander Universities.
4,494 people benefitted through FPNM education programs.
We donated $1,579,050 for the benefit of children’s education through our LikeU Red cards in conjunction with UNICEF.
CloseWe are certain that our employees’ differences enrich the Bank, which is why we drive equal opportunities and offer a range of programs that favor the development of our female employees.
36.4% of proprietary members of the Board of Directors are women.
28% of all our directors2 are women.
CloseWe want to provide our employees with a balanced and dignified job that offers equal opportunities. Through a range of programs, we boost their professional and personal growth.
Top 10 of the Super Companies ranking by Grupo Expansión.
CloseWe work alongside strategic allies on sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects in order to contribute to research and innovation in the country.
We provided financing to MIVSA or the acquisition of 50 fully electric buses of the Metrobús in Mexico.
CloseWe have financial education programs that offer people the tools they need to manage their finances effectively, in addition to promoting financial inclusion among society’s most vulnerable sectors.
1,734,854 personas financially empowered people (cumulative since 2019).
CloseWe offer access to basic financial services in geographically remote areas, and we participate in the financing of projects to promote inclusion, efficient resource use, and climate change mitigation.
3 social infrastructure projects financed by Project Finance.
CloseWe coordinate in-house campaigns to raise awareness regarding the responsible consumption of resources, and we participate in the issuance of bonds that contribute to the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Elimination of single-use plastics in all our offices and buildings.
CloseWe measure and analyze our carbon footprint; we are aligned with the Paris Agreement in order to create a low-carbon economy; and, we provide support to our customers throughout this transition.
We offset our carbon footprint through the purchase of Certified Emission Reduction Certificates from the Oaxaca IV wind project.
CloseWe protect marine ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts by acting for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans through our LikeU Blue cards.
We donated $3,296,725 to clean up Mexico’s seas by addressing the problems of ghost nets through our LikeU Blue cards in conjunction with WWF.
CloseWe promote conservation and the sustainable use of land through our ATM fundraising campaigns and our LikeU cards.
$1,401,850 raised for Reforestamos México.
We donated $1,920,575 to restore terrestrial ecosystems and reforestation through our LikeU Green cards in conjunction with Reforestamos México.
CloseWe have policies in place that promote transparency and help fight corruption, and we are members of sustainable indices that support our responsible practices.
We circulate our Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights Policy in order to ensure everyone is respected and protected.
CloseWe work alongside a number of national and international organizations to fight for global sustainability.
We are members of 21 national and international sustainable development indices and programs.