Our employees play a fundamental role in guaranteeing the sustainability of our business and meeting the needs of our customers, which is why we have policies, practices, programs and actions in place to attract, retain and engage the very best professionals to help strengthen our team.
We want our employees to choose us for who we are, and this can be clearly seen in our mission, vision, culture, and the way in which we do business to obtain the best results. We offer our team access to on-going training in a range of areas to help drive their personal growth and development within the Bank, not to mention helping them find the motivation necessary to boost their productivity.
During 2022, our workforce was composed of 25,990 employees: 14,184 women and 11,806 men. The total number of employees includes those Santander employees who were actively employed as of December 31, 2022, encompassing the categories1 of Administrative and Operational, Managers, Deputy Directors and Directors.
1. Santander Mexico refers to Mexico as a region, and, as such, its employees are not classified in accordance with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission handbook.Men | % | Women | % | Total | |
Directors | 653 | 72 | 252 | 28 | 905 |
Deputy Directors | 3,069 | 56 | 2,427 | 44 | 5,496 |
Managers | 2,735 | 50 | 2,717 | 50 | 5,452 |
Administrative and Operational | 5,349 | 38 | 8,788 | 62 | 14,137 |
Total | 11,806 | 45 | 14,184 | 55 | 25,990 |
Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates (internal hires): 26.1%
We promote efforts to recognize the work being done by our employees, both by the Bank and by the employees themselves, in order to have a positive impact on their motivation, productivity and performance, in addition to driving teamwork.
Throughout 2022, we rolled out a number of measures to promote employee recognition, including podcasts, postcards, T.E.A.M.S. recognition via our intranet, recognition by directors during visits to regional offices and our Contact Center, and mutual recognition, among others.
We offer a range of training programs and access to tools that allow our employees to improve their skills and knowledge, in addition to helping to boost their talent. We use a range of digital tools and platforms, and our training is divided into three strategic areas:
We carry out different programs to improve the digital skills of our collaborators. During 2022 we had the following initiatives:
In 2022, we coordinated the following initiatives:
Top 10 in the 2022 Super Companies ranking by Grupo Expansión.
Performance management is one of the major driving forces behind the Cultural Transformation, which is why we use a range of tools to monitor the work being done by our employees and to detect areas of opportunity.
We have reaffirmed our commitment to respecting and promoting human rights within our field of action, in addition to preventing and minimizing any violations stemming directly from our activities.
As part of our corporate culture, we promote an inclusive working environment in which all individual values are valued, respected and leveraged.
Our Human Rights Policy is based on the highest international standards, especially the International Bill of Human Rights, comprising the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two protocols, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Our Human Rights Policy is aimed at all the Bank’s employees and stakeholders and encompasses the following:
Customers and Suppliers:
To drive the creation of a more agile organization that is capable of meeting the needs of our customers and employees, in 2022 we consolidated our Cultural Transformation program alongside our Sponsors.
We also strive to ensure that all our employees are aware of and involved in this transformation, which is why we engage with them and actively listen to their concerns, questions and suggestions, assigning members of the Senior Management Committee and special guests to be ambassadors within our nine regions.
We base our employee selection and hiring strategy on diversity and inclusion practices in order to bring talented employees from different cultures, ages, career paths and academic backgrounds onto our team. We are convinced that promoting diversity helps drive innovation, creativity and wellness, in addition to helping us meet our business and sustainability goals.
Expansión magazine recognized the work being done by Fabiola Cadena, Director for Talent, Diversity and Inclusion at the Bank, as a result of changes she made to gender identity and inclusive language criteria. She was included on the list of the 41+1 Most Influential LGBT+ Executives in the community.
We offer all our employees equal opportunities. Both leaders and all other members of staff are selected, compensated and promoted based on a meritocracy with no form of discrimination whatsoever, as stipulated in our Corporate Culture Policy.
During 2022, we organized a number of activities, including programs, talks, conferences and training sessions, among others. Some of these activities included:
Name | Description |
Circles of Positive Masculinities | Sessions with male leaders covering topics such as inclusive leadership and the impact of male chauvinism in order to recognize the privileges and discuss the roles men play in bridging the gender gap. |
Disability Inclusion Program | An inclusive recruitment fair and workplace skills and customer service training program for people with disabilities. |
D&I Week | A week during which our employees are invited to actively participate in talks that promote the creation of a more inclusive Bank underpinned by leadership that is based on respect and dignity. |
LGBT+ Pride Month | During June, we coordinated activities and talks to promote an inclusive environment where talent is valued no matter the gender expression, identity or people’s sexual orientation. |
Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy reaffirms our respect for the human rights and dignity of all our employees, customers, suppliers, community members, and everyone who interacts with the Bank, in addition to the elimination any form of discrimination or unfair treatment based on age, socio-economic status, cultural diversity, ethnicity or nationality, sexual identity, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy, disability, religion, beliefs, or physical appearance.
We were certified as a 2022 Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ as a result of our inclusion in the Equidad MX 2022 corporate index published by Human Rights Campaign (HRC), in recognition of our policies and practices to drive LGBT+ inclusion and equality.
We are convinced that by driving equal opportunities for all our professionals, we can aspire to achieve a balanced representation of men and women covering all functions and responsibilities within the Bank. We offer our female employees a wide range of programs to help them develop and growth within Santander at both a professional and a personal level.
Name of Program | Description |
360° Women and Santander Women Leaders | Tools that allow our female employees in positions of leadership to focus on issues such as networking, personal branding, leadership and emotional intelligence. |
Cross mentoring | Spaces where female employees are offered the opportunity to develop leaderships skills through dialog with women leaders (Apprentices) and inter- company directors (Mentors). |
Mastermind | Sessions in which a group of women exchange ideas, opinions and suggestions covering a wide range of topics, in addition to offering them the opportunity to create support networks. |
The varied ages of our employees represent a huge advantage for our work environment as each person has their own strengths, skills and ways of thinking, which helps enrich teamwork and decision making within the Bank.
We offer job opportunities to high-potential young people who are interested in developing their skills and knowledge with us. Our strategy focuses on:
Name of Program | Description | Participants in 2022 |
Inroads – Social Inclusion | We support low-income students and help them successfully finish their studies and enter the job market. | 54 |
Young People Building the Future | We help develop the skills and competencies of young people who are neither studying nor working, facilitating their insertion into the job market. This program is coordinated by the federal government. | 415 |
Linkers | We offer high-performing college seniors the opportunity to join one of the Bank’s different business areas. | 129 |
Young Leaders | We provide training to young people who are employees in any of the Bank’s regions. | 28 |
Total | 626 |
We won the 2022 MEF and IMEF Gender Equality Award (Women in Finance - Mexican Institute of Finance Executives) in recognition of our efforts to promote equality and a culture of inclusion within the Bank.
We have made the adjustments necessary to our buildings and office furniture, in addition to providing the training necessary to ensure to the teams they belong to encourage respect and equal treatment, in addition to learning from each other’s differences.
Our priority is to ensure the well-being of our employees, which is why we offer them a number of programs that promote workplace flexibility, job stability and a work-life balance, in addition to ensuring their occupational health and safety.
We offer our employees benefits that exceed those required by law, in addition to allowances such as leave, insurance, loans, comprehensive medical services, among others, enabling them to perform well and feel proud to be part of the Bank.
The safety of all our employees is one of our top priorities, which is why we have implemented measures to identify working conditions that could pose a risk to their physical safety. We have also rolled out programs to drive preventive and corrective measures to mitigate occupational risks.
Our Risk Prevention Policy covers psychosocial risks, workplace violence, and the promotion of a favorable organizational culture, and it also encompasses the implementation and communication of actions in this area. Furthermore, we offer our employees access to programs to keep them healthy and ensure their physical, psychological and emotional well-being.
Employees absentee rate in 2022: 1.70%
We have drafted a new global policy to promote the health, safety and well-being of our employees and customers at all our facilities and in all our operations. This policy focuses on:
We have a civil protection team and programs to safeguard the physical integrity of our employees. During 2022, we continued safeguarding the health of our employees through:
This is a training program to help provide all employees at Santander Mexico’s facilities with the necessary tools to tackle an emergency situation, and it focuses on 8 key areas:
Area | Description |
In-House Civil Protection Unit | Identifying and understanding the functions of each member of the Unit: Unit Chief, Communication Chief, Fire Chief, First Aid Chief, and Evacuation Chief. |
Identifying an Emergency | Providing instructions about what to do in an emergency: keep calm, assess the situation, activate the In-House Civil Protection Unit, cordon off the area where the injured person is located, implement crowd control measures. |
Civil Protection Equipment | Knowing how to properly use the equipment employed by the Civil Protection Unit. |
Vital Signs | Learning the right way to measure someone’s pulse, oxygen levels, blood pressure, glucose levels, breathing and temperature. |
Vital Support | Learning the importance of how to correctly perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlich maneuver. |
Skin Wounds | Identifying and addressing musculoskeletal injuries and bleeding. |
Fire Prevention and Control | Understanding the three elements that can cause fires and knowing how to prevent them. |
Fire Prevention and Control | Acting properly in an emergency, be it man-made or natural, and identifying the evacuation routes and emergency exits, among others. |